The OR boxes were picked up in trucks. Everyone packed and moved into two rooms - mine and Deb's large room for the women, and Jacques and Richard's room for the men. Pam and Barbara stayed in their room, and Kristin alreadly left last night, so it was not too crowded.
After relocating, we all had to get our bags packed and downstairs to get weighed and loaded to take to Air France in town. We rode taxis to Air France to get our bags checked in. Those of us going to SFO had to check in our own bag and 2 of the large OR boxes. Everyone else checked in their own bags.
There were many last minute jaunts - to the museum, to the river, to the market. Several of our co-workers from the hospital came by the hotel to say goodbye. Most of us had dinner at the bar, final packing, and then onto the hotel shuttle at 7:45 pm. Last minute forgotten items, jumping on and off the bus, and then off to the airport. Still much lightening all around, and very slow traffic.
The airport was a-buzz, as usual. Oumar met us all their and said his goodbyes, as did Jacques, who will be staying for another week with Pam.
Since rebuilding a new airport, the many shops that were there with local music and items were gone, replaced with duty free, perfumes, and expensive import items. Too bad! We got our iPods out, put on our ted hose, drank the last of our water, and fine-tuned for the long trip.
We were finally all herded downstairs to another security point, the piled into an Air France bus. This sat for a long time with the motor running (diesel fumes) in the humid heat, and after about 1/2 an hour, it was getting very uncomfortable. Finally the bus pulled ahead, made a u-turn, and stopped at the plane, which was about 100 feet away. Ridiculous! One poor woman had to step aside on the tarmac and got sick to her stomach. It was quite a scene.
We left at 10:45 pm for Paris. It was interesting to look out the window and see how Bamako ends and then it is dark in all directions. Not a light anywhere!
Five hour flight to Paris, which was very empty, then a long layover for most of us. Barbara left to get the Chunnel to London, and Deb had a gate remote from the rest of us, so we lost her too.
The remaining nine of us moved on to the gate area, got some breakfast, and took naps. Marion found a center piece at the cafeteria that suited her nicely.
Richard left for NY, and Scott went on to Boston. The SFO Seven got on an Air France flight that was PACKED and left late. Ten fatiguing hours later we were spit out at SFO, over two hours late. That left Marion and I late for our flights, so we grabbed our bags and ran. I don't know how things fared for Marianne, but I missed my flight. While I was in line, Sarah showed up - she had missed hers too. I got booked onto a 7 pm flight.
Finally I got to the gate, got on an earlier flight as the last standby, and my bag made it too. When I got home, the door opened, and the misty, cool, and sweet air of the redwood forests by the sea greeted me. I closed my eyes and drank it in and my journey had ended. I was met by my son and my parents, and we had a meal of Chinese food - salad, tofu, and greens. YUM! I finally got to see my dog and cat - a very furry and kissy reunion.
Then I had that feeling - it was over so fast! Did it even happen? The dream-like state of memories. I hope these musings and photos will help us remember the time, energy, and gratification of what we get to do, and the many people who came as patients to give us that privilege. Looking forward to the next trip, but this team really raised the bar and will be a tough act to follow. Thank you all!