Resurge International is a non-profit medical group that provides education and surgical assistance to people with disfiguring defects or injuries who are unable to obtain needed repairs. Often people in this situation are unable to work, viewed as evil by their community, not able to pay for help, or the resources are simply not available. More about Resurge here:
Tanzania is a country in East Africa, consisting of the Mainland and the island of Zanzibar, just south of Kenya on the Indian Ocean. The population is about 48 million - 75% of whom are rural - with a life expectancy of about 60 years. More than 5% of children die under the age of five years. The median age is 17, and on average a family has 5 children. Basic issues we take for granted, such as nutrition, immunizations, and medical check ups are not always available. It is a battle to stay alive.
Most of the medical needs are unmet. There are about 800 physicians in Tanzania (lowest physician;population ratio in the world), no reconstructive surgeons in Tanzania, and only about 10 general surgeons and other specialty trained physcians who try to do some of this reconstructive work. That is roughly one per 5 million people! About 1/2 of what exists is funded by Tanzania, and 1/2 comes from international efforts. One example, the Global Health Initiative, has been instrumental in prioritizing, orchestrating, and quantifying the health challenges in Tanzania. Communication is always key to avoid duplication and maximize outcomes.
Friday morning the travel begins.

Tanzania is a country in East Africa, consisting of the Mainland and the island of Zanzibar, just south of Kenya on the Indian Ocean. The population is about 48 million - 75% of whom are rural - with a life expectancy of about 60 years. More than 5% of children die under the age of five years. The median age is 17, and on average a family has 5 children. Basic issues we take for granted, such as nutrition, immunizations, and medical check ups are not always available. It is a battle to stay alive.
Most of the medical needs are unmet. There are about 800 physicians in Tanzania (lowest physician;population ratio in the world), no reconstructive surgeons in Tanzania, and only about 10 general surgeons and other specialty trained physcians who try to do some of this reconstructive work. That is roughly one per 5 million people! About 1/2 of what exists is funded by Tanzania, and 1/2 comes from international efforts. One example, the Global Health Initiative, has been instrumental in prioritizing, orchestrating, and quantifying the health challenges in Tanzania. Communication is always key to avoid duplication and maximize outcomes.
Friday morning the travel begins.