Sunday, October 23, 2016

Packing, packing, packing.  The bags, the house, the pets.  The latter is always the most difficult because I can't explain to the furry guys what is going on.  And I miss them when I go.

Leaving in the morning for Harare, Zimbabwe.  I think I am ready, but never really for the 24 hours of travel, which feels longer each time I do it.  Departure 10:30 a.m. Monday; arrival 1700 p.m. Wednesday with a time change to 9 hours ahead.  Nothing a Benadryl can't fix.

This is an educator trip, so we will be working along side teams in the OR and teaching at the bedside; maybe a lecture now and then if time off coincides and allows for all.  Then there is the education of us, the travelers, always returning a bit changed and a bit wiser, thanks to our international colleagues and hosts.

Off to sleep.