Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kathmandu 10/02/2013

Day of talks again – pediatric hydration, hand therapy, fires in the OR, and positioning.  The last lecture had to be postponed because there was another program the nurses had to attend, so we will pick up  on that one tomorrow.

Cute families we are beginning to recognize and greet each day.

More work organizing machines and noting deficiencies.

Cute kids again; just chillin'.

Nancy with her board full of teaching pearls.  What a resource she is.

Back of an ambulance at the hospital.  Guerney, tank for O2, and sink with rags.

Drive to Model Hospital to take care of some charges with the travel agent, back to the hotel for about 45 minutes to change, and then off to dinner with the CEO of PHECT and a few other medical movers and shakers.

Great meal and good company.  Very thankful to them for their gratitude, but the gift has been to us.

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