Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dehradun January 23, 2013 - last full day

Today was the last day we will have a full schedule for both tables.  Tomorrow (Thursday) is traditionally a day to wind down and get the bill paid up, pack the boxes, and make sure the patients are discharged and plugged into the appropriate post-op care.  So today we worked on getting done what we could.

Surprisingly, we finished early but had some meetings and delays that kept us until 5pm or so.  I am not hungry at all again tonight, so am taking the night in to catch up on the blog, start my trip reports, and do some personal packing.  Again, my camera battery is out, but Dr. Deb let me take some photos with her camera.  I will update this post when I get the photos and further summarize the day ....

Also some great blogging by our photographer Liliana at  Beautiful photos and good reading!

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